Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonderful Things In Life: Advertising In Entrecard Market

Wonderful Things In Life: Advertising In Entrecard Market

Wonderful Things In Life: Thanks Commentators

Wonderful Things In Life: Thanks Commentators

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude again to those people who are willing to share their opinion about what i posted in here. It is nice to know that people really care. I am touch and impress for the constant visit of some bloggers and leave their footprints to show that they care. Thanks a lot my dear friends. I send already the 200 EC that I promised and there are three commentators that I cannot send the EC because I cannot access the blog, and other is anonymous. Here are this people:
Love's Haven
Survivor: The Reality Of Life
Simple Happy Life
Twins Happiness
From The Diary of a Call Center Mom - Sorry I will send your EC next week - I am already over in the EC limitTo one anonymous commentator thank you for the comment I do not know who you are but I appreciate your comments. See you next week again like this. You still leave your comments in here any time you wanted to. Take care and may God bless you all.

Mommy Moments-Bonding Time

mommy moments

Bonding is a word used to mean the deep attachment you build with your baby-an intense feeling that makes you want to hold and love and protect him/her.Research indicates that babies who develop fulfilling relationships with their parents tend to grow into secure, well-adjusted adults and even perform better at school.

Here are some ways I do to help me build the attachment or bond with my baby:

1. Feeding

2. Touch and Talk

Everytime I got home from school, I take time touching him, hugging and carrying him. While doing these I'm talking to him although he may not understand what I'm saying. He loves to hear me chatting away about what I'm doing in school, whether it is changing his nappy, peeling the potatoes, folding the washing, preparing his porridge and recently even when I'm exercising. I wanted him to gain confidence from the fact that I'm always near and always focused upon him, even if the household chores need to be done.

3. Singing

My baby loves to hear my voice singing (even there are times I'm out of tune...LOL!). I read before that the rhythmic nature of nursery rhymes is very soothing and is believed to help with language development.

4. Pull a face

I noticed that even my baby is very young , he's fascinated by my facial expressions! He looks like this if I pull a face to him:

5. Reading while calming music is in the background.

Every night before going to sleep, I take time to read to my baby and listen to our favorite song. It strengthens the mother-son bond tremendously.

6. Taking my baby for a walk

It's a fun exercise routine for me and my little one to enjoy together.

Regular activities such as nappy-changing time are a wonderful time to show my baby just how much I love him. I talk to him, kiss his tummy, tell him what lovely smiles he has and how much I love his smile. This will take my mind off what a messy job it is and show that I love him, no matter what.

No matter how hectic my schedule is like preparing final test, checking and grading, I stop even for a moment and spend time with my baby. We relax and enjoy each others existence.

If you want to join us and share your Bonding Time stories click HERE!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why pray?

Why pray? Because everytime we pray, we move the hand of God to do the things which we can't do. You'll never know how many people were healed because you ask God to heal them or strengthened because you ask God to encourage them. Do you still remember how God provided your needs after you pray or grant your desire to find a job or find hope in a hopeless situation. No one of us will ever know the true results of our prayers but we know that God's kingdom on earth is established by those who pray.

Prayer is an act of relationship between us and God-a relationship that involves both talking and listening. If no one understands you-talk to Him. If you have a dark secret and you can't afford to divulge it to anyone (even to your spouse or parents) talk to Him. Prayer is not just a one-way communication (where you do all the talking). We also need to keep quiet and listen to Him.

In James 5:16, it says "The prayer of the righteous is powerful". Without prayer, my passport and my hubby's passport together with my work permit and bank passbooks will not be given back to us after it's lost at a university's park .Without prayer, my purse with my digicam, 20K cash, and debit cards that was left in a shopping mall won't be retrieved (stories of these two unforgettable experiences will be posted soon).

If I have to enumerate the countless reasons why we need to pray, this blog space won't be enough.

G. Ashton Oldman says "Prayer does not consist battering the walls of heaven for personal benefit or the success of our plans. Rather, it's the committing of ourselves to carrying out God's purposes. It is a telephone call to headquarters for orders. It's not bending God's will to His. In prayer we tap reservoirs of spiritual power whereby God can find fuller entrance into the hearts of men". Why pray? That's why?

Thankful Thursday #3

1. Thank you Lord that when the alarm goes off, even though I put off the effort to rise, you gave me strength to get up; there are many who are bedridden.

2. Thank you Lord for my baby and my husband. They're one of the sources of my joy and inspiration.

3. Thank you Lord for the food we have eventhough our breakfast table never looks like the pictures in the magazines and the menu at times is unbalanced; there are many who are hungry.

4. Thank you Lord for the airconditioner. It makes hot weather bearable especially for our baby. Since we have installed it, he slept through the night.

5. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to work. I already finished checking 500 test papers and making grades to 500 Grade 2 learners.

6. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Even though I make mistakes, stumble and fall, thank you for the mercy and grace to get up again.

7. Thank you Lord for blessing our baby. He's already 4 months old! He's so cute, cuddly and adorable. His laugh and cooing makes us forget our tired days.

8. Thank you Lord that I'll be an AUNT for the first time! We've been praying for more than a year for my sister-in-law to get pregnant. At last, we received the good news that she's already five weeks pregnant. I'm so excited for her.

Thank you Lord for all these blessings-and 101 others that I've taken for granted. Amen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

just a chat ...

We don't have class this week because it's already the Final Thai Test but still we need to go to school for attendance as well as the preparation of our English Summer Class on March. As I have mentioned before about getting back to exercise , I started by walking from our house to school. I just took the shortcut and it took 10-15 minutes to arrive. While going home, I had to cross a road where traffic is heavy around 4 pm. On that particular afternoon, I was a bit surprised that there's no car passing on one side of the road. This is what happened:

The truck was stucked as it tried to make a turn! It make a long queues of vehicles. Well, I got home early and I hope they easily resolved the incident.

Watery Wednesday #2

In business and in life being "soft, pliant and yielding" like water is a wise way to prevent and solve many interpersonal problems. That's why they like to have fountain in front of their house or business centers.

Our neighbor has this "thing" in front of her house:

The closer look of each item is found below:

Do the statues look cute and adorable?

For more watery photos please CLICK HERE!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Life: Getting Back to Exercising

Hyzyd is now 4 months old and I'm ready to exercise. I gonna start with low-impact exercise class.Glad to know that I could involve my baby in my new workout routine. I could put him in a stroller or baby carrier when I go for a walk. . I need to find ways to fit exercise around my busy life. I borrow workout DVDs from my friend which I can use when baby is quiet or sleeping. I could also try early morning before the baby wakes up. I think it would also be a good idea to squeeze in some walking in going to school or else in going home (it's just 10-15 minutes walk). I should remember not to be too hard on myself, though. It's healthy to care about our body, but I need patience for getting in shape takes time. My husband advised me not to stress to much about my current appearance. I need some mental change. Besides,my body just did an amazing thing when God created my baby in it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mommy Moments- Feeding Time

mommy moments

I knew beforehand that if possible, I have to nurse my baby soon after birth (within the first-and-a-half), since that is when newborns are usually most alert. Unfortunately, in my case, after giving birth the baby was brought to the nursery, was incubated (even my baby is normal for that’s the policy of the hospital), and was properly examined and checked by their pediatrician. I saw my baby again after three-and-a-half hour. When I see him, he’s fast sleeping until 3:30 when another nurse came in, took the baby for his bath and brought him back at 6:00. Because of language barrier, I had a hard time understanding a nurse who came in at 10:00 pm to fetch my baby and let him sleep at the nursery. I miss my baby terribly on the first night. We had a hard time breastfeeding him because I have an inverted nipple and he has a hard time latching on it. The first try is a failure. I tried my best to breastfed him but I pity him every time I fed him because he cried out of frustration. There’s one time that I really forced him to latched on, he stopped crying, wouldn’t open his mouth (the milk is already smearing all over his face) and he just close his eyes (he’s not sleeping). He seemed to deliver a message that says “Mommy, you got to feed me something else because you’re keeping me hungry.” My heart melted from this sight and that’s the start of the bottle feeding-first with the pumped milk and three weeks later it’s purely infant formula for I went back to work.

My husband helped my baby latch on my breast

Breastfeeding is giving my baby something that no one else can give

As I started bottle feeding my baby, I see to it that it should ideally be as nurturing experience as breast feeding. I take it as an opportunity to hold my baby, with the head a little higher than the rest of the body because I know that if this is not done, sometimes the milk reaches the inner ear causing an ear infection.

Bottle feeding provides a delicious opportunity for me to get close to my baby. So I take time to cuddle him, look into his eyes, and talk or sing quietly to him. Sometimes, I open my shirt for some skin-to-skin contact for I want to offer to him the same soothing sensation and physical closeness that breastfeeding provides.

When he is two-months old, he already possessed the ability to let me know that he is full from a "meal" with signs such as turning away from the bottle.This is important so that the baby is able to self-regulate the amount of food being eaten. This helps stop baby from accidentally overeating. At three months he can sit up and hold head up unassisted. He became so interested in our food and started sucking his fingers (not thumb). His birthweight doubles. He was then introduced to his first solid food-porridge with squash.

I bought this special rice exclusive for baby's porridge

Click HERE! to view Hyzyd's video while I fed him. He open his mouth once he saw the spoon coming. I just let him eat at his own pace and it looks like I can't cope with him.LOL!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday # 2

I used to hear my mom singing a song with this message "Count your blessings, name them one by one". It encourages me to give thanks to give thanks to God even with those little things that are seemed to be considered as not too important.

I am thanking God for what he has done this week:

1. Renewal of my husband’s working contract. My hubby was accepted last January 2009 as a high school ESL teacher in Songkla and signed a contract good for three months only. He was told that he’s under probationary period. If after three months they’ll be satisfied of his teaching performance, he will be renewed for a year. Last week, after the Teacher’s meeting, he was given the "good news". We praise God for the renewal of his contract. On the other hand, we felt sorry for the other two Filipinos who were not renewed. It’s our prayer that they will be able to find a work as soon as possible.

2. Our baby’s healing from heat rash and cough as well as the change of nanny. We praise God that Hyzyd’s heat rash disappeared after three days and his cough subsided already. Because of these health conditions last week, it is imperative for us to find another nanny who will stay with us or who is nearer to our house so that Hyzyd don’t need to travel early in the morning. We praise God for the immediate answer of our desire. Our neighbor who used to babysit two toddlers became available. So now, Hyzyd can sleep as long as he wants in the morning (before I used to wake him up, put in his carrier and drive him off to his nanny).

3. Coping with a hectic schedule. I thank God for the good health He has bestowed upon me. At this point of time, I need not to be sick for the sake of baby. I also thank Him for the wisdom and guidance in managing my time wisely as a full-time mom with a full-time teaching career, a full-time wife (of course) and a full-time Christian in a non-Christian environment.

4. Desktop Computer. We planned to buy our own desktop computer next month (what I’m using now is in the school). Nowadays, it’s necessary to own one so that we can start typing our lesson plan for the next semester and for my newfound hobby-blogging! We didn’t expect to have one earlier than what we had planned.

My Thai friend who is finishing her Masteral degree needs my help to accomplish her thesis and she wanted to start as soon as possible. So, she lends us her desktop computer. She told us that she didn’t use it for a couple of months already because she had her own computer in her office. Hopefully, next week we can have the internet connection. I thank our Almighty God that with this blessing, the money we supposed to buy a computer will be saved first for future expenses in April. It’s vacation time and our salary too is in "vacation". Hope you understand what I mean…he..he…:0)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Watery Wednesday 1

It's my first time to join this meme. I am very eager to get started and see the watery photos of other bloggers. I like to see "waters" because it's too refreshing. It also represents emotions, wisdom, the soul, and femininity. In spiritual aspect, it represents life, spirit , a rich symbol of baptisms and it represents many things. My entry for this week is a water fountain with two miniature statue of a Thai girl and boy in the background. I found this in front of a Hair Saloon near to my school. I hope this will qualify for Watery Wednesday and I hope you like it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Checking Test Papers instead of Blogging (for this week)

I need to check this pile of test papers. This week is our final test and we need to submit our grades on Monday.

Because of this, I only have limited time to visit my friends' blogsite and YOUR blogsite for awhile. Maybe I couldn't post some comments for you or even leave a message in your cbox. As you know, I only blog during my vacant time here in school. Hopefully, we can have the TOT install the internet in our house by next week. Please pray.

Our English Summer Class will commence on the 2nd week of March so we need to prepare for our lesson plan and activities. Don't worry, by that time I can still find time blogging and visit you all!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is it normal to lose hair after giving birth?

My son will be 4 months old on February 23. I noticed about 2 weeks ago when showering that my hair was coming out by the handfuls! I have long hair and have been known to shed anyway, but this was scary! Good thing that I remember a book I read before that it states "this is common for all new moms, though some lose more than others". Here's why it happens:

During pregnancy, changes in your hormone levels cause your hair to stay in a resting phase for longer, so you lose less hair on a daily basis. (You may have noticed that your hair seemed thicker than usual.)

After you've given birth and your hormones have settled down — usually at about 12 weeks after delivery — more hair shifts into a shedding phase. You may be alarmed to find hair coming out by the handful.

Normally, you lose about 100 to 125 hairs a day, but after delivery, you may be losing about 500 a day. This can be very disturbing, but try not to worry too much — you won't go bald!

There's little you can do about the shedding, other than to be patient. The shedding tends to be most noticeable when you're shampooing or brushing your hair, so you may find that shampooing less frequently or letting your hair dry naturally instead of brushing and blow-drying helps slow the loss.

On the other hand, it's going to fall out at some point, and you might prefer that it happen in private. Regular washing and brushing may help you avoid leaving a trail of shedding hair behind you all day. Try using a thickening shampoo if you feel your locks are getting too thin.

You may notice fine "baby" hair growing along your hairline at the top of your forehead once the shedding phase has ended. Having bangs can do a lot to camouflage this wispy new growth while it's growing out.

Within another six months or so, your hair should be back to its normal pre-pregnancy thickness, but you may find that the texture of your hair is never exactly the same. It may be wavier or straighter or more dry or oily than it was before pregnancy. This is probably due to the hormonal upheaval you've just been through.

If the hair loss doesn't seem to be slowing and you're still losing lots of hair six or so months after delivery, check in with a dermatologist or your healthcare provider. It may be a sign that you're low on iron, which is not entirely uncommon for new moms.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mommy Moments-Love Letter

mommy moments

It's my first time to join this meme Mommy Moments and I'm so glad to be a part of it. This week I checked the theme and it's about Love Letter. I thought at first it's a Love Letter from my husband and that makes me unable to join this week because I left the love letters in the Philippines. Eventhough if I'll have the love letters in my hand, I'm hesitant to expose my hubby's love letter to others. So, I waited for Friday and decided to visit the host's blog to clarify things. This is my entry for this week:

This is my baby Hyzyd (Hezed). He's just 3 months old. This is my love letter for him.

My Everdearest baby,

The moment I laid my eyes on you, I can't help it but cry with joy. You're one of the greatest gifts God has entrusted upon us. I promise myself to be the best mom for you. You mean so much to me. You give more meaning to my life. Your smile erases my weariness and worries. Your cooing means a sweet music to my ear that soothe my soul. Your cry touches my heart that as I reach out for you, it's my prayer that I'll always be there for you. You're the prince of my life, the best son of your dad and the cuddly angel of your grandparents, titos and titas. I love you so much. It is my prayer that God will empower me to teach you His ways and the mom you'll be proud of. It is my daily prayer that God will give you the best in this life and you'll grow up into a fine young man leading a righteous and upright life. I'm proud to be your mommy. I love you so much. No words can explain how much I love you. Mwaaaaahhhh....

Loving you so much,

Mommy Jenny

If you want to share to us a love letter from your child or else your love letter for your child, join us here in Mommy Moments!

Happy Birthday Grandpa Wennie!

When the world is celebrating Valentine's day, the Saratorio's are celebrating Tatay Wennie's birthday.

Happy Birthday Tay Wennie!

You brighten up my life
With memories so fond
When I reach out
You always respond

You're someone I can count on
When I need a helping hand
You're compassionate and loving
You always understand
Oh yes you have your
Off days too
However those days
Are but numbered few

I'm so thankful to have
A grandfather like you
There is no other
Who could fill your shoes

We love YOU!

Gene, Josh and Hyzyd

Strict Changes in Immigration Office Areas/Locations Starting February 15

I receive a breaking news from today. I posted it here for the information of my fellow Filipinos who are working and staying here in thailand.

From February 15, 2009 all Thai Immigration offices has been strictly instructed that foreigners have to use the Immigration office that has administrative jurisdiction over the area where they live.

All visa changes, extensions, re-entry permits and other immigration requests are to be handled by the immigration offices in the districts in which the foreigners reside. Immigration offices at international airports can handle such issues only in emergencies ('illness' is given as an example).

See the attached PDF file (below) for all the 63 Immigration offices in Thailand, and explains which Immigration office you should use from February 15.For example, Kanchanaburi handle immigration duties for all of the province except for Sangkhlaburi District (which are handled, it says, by a separate Sangkhlaburi immigration office). Kanchanburi also handles immigration duties for Ratchaburi and Suphanburi provinces.

Another example: Nong Khai handles immigration for most of Nong Khai province (except for Lao-bordering districts outside Nong Khai District, to be handled by Beung Kan immigration), plus Udon Thani and Khon Kaen.

The big news is that Korat Immigration will only serve foreigners living in Korat province from Feb 15th. This is an order from the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok.

So, people from Khon Kaen will have to go to Nong Khai. Foreigners from example Lopburi, Nong Khai or Chaiyaphum will not be accepted in Korat, not even for a re-entry permit. More confusing is that the list says that foreigners in Korat shall submit their applications to Kap Choeng Immigration in Surin province from February 15, 2009.

Foreigners living in Phatum Thani Province, Nonthaburi Province, Chainat Province, Lopburi Province, Saraburi province, Singburi province, Ayutthaya Province and Angtong province can visit either Ayutthaya Immigration, Chonburi Immigration or Nakhon Pathom Immigration offices.

It's not clear if this affects the One-Stop Visa & Work Permit Center, as previously those eligible for One-Stop services could use them no matter where in the kingdom they resided. One-Stop isn't mentioned, though presumably it's under jurisidiction 1, Metropolitan Bangkok Immigration Inspection Wing.

The information provided above has been verified with the Immigration Bureau.-- 2009-02-12PS! Thanks to the following for providing the info and translations:- Thai Immigration Bureau - Isaan Lawyers Sabaijai, bazmlb and the mods team at


Attached File(s)
Thai_Immigration_service_areas_Feb_15_2009.PDF ( 16.5K ) Number of downloads: 1239

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday 1

I thank the Lord for the following:

1. I’ve been craving for the tasty BBQ Pork Steak at Sta.Fe Steak House. It’s been nine months since my last visit to that place. I’m thankful that my hubby brought me there last Saturday and I eat to the content of my hungry tummy…mmmmm…yummy. Besides the steak, I love their cream of mushroom soup and French fried potato topped with cheese.

cream of mushroom soup

BBQ Pork Steak

French Fried Potato with cheese

2. My brother and sister-in-law Nonz invited us for a lavish eat-all-you-can steamboat dinner at Remroa “muu ka tah”. We have a complete load of fishballs, chicken, fish and seafood, pork, Thai delicacies, desserts, fruits and vegetables. It takes hours to enjoy a steamboat meal since it involved dumping the ingredients into the soup and sitting around chatting and waiting for it to boil. I thank God for the fellowship we had.

Try steamboat dinner, you'll surely love it!

3. Hyzyd is growing fast. He can now roll over on his own. The moment you put him on bed or change his diaper, he quickly rolled over in just a wink of your eyes! It’s already a struggle for me to change him...he..he..I’m thankful that he’s always strong and healthy.

4. My co-teachers in school commented that I looked thinner now. That’s good news for I’m really praying that I’ll shed some weight even though I’m not yet on diet and haven’t yet done rigid exercise to lose some belly fats.

A day after I gave birth

after 3 months

Wonderful Things In Life: Spread The Love Giveaway - Win Cash, EC, Web Hosting, Domain And More!

Wonderful Things In Life: Spread The Love Giveaway - Win Cash, EC, Web Hosting, Domain And More!

Spread the Love GIVEAWAYS!

I joined a blog contest hosted by Mommy Gen , the contest queen in celebration of the Valentine's day. The rules and mechanics is very simple. It's her desire to spread the LOVE thru giveaways. The following are the tempting prizes as well as the generous sponsors below:

Ist Prize: $30 + 20,500 EC
* Blog Hosting for 1 year - SEO Friendly Blog Directory
* Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates - worth $99
$10 + 500 EC - The Pride Of Hingotanan Bohol
$10 + 500 EC - Things I did Not Know Before
$10 + 500 EC - Unique Ideas For Your Beach Wedding
5000 EC - Whatever Comes To My Mind
2500 EC - Merydith's Place
4000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Wonderful Things In Life
5000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - My Life's Adventure
2500 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 year - Hidden Gems from Untold Treasures
3 PR4 backlink for 1 month plus 2 125x125 banner for 1 month - Online Games
* Nita's Random Thoughts
* Bohol Paradise

2nd Prize: $20 + 19,000 EC
* 20GB Web Hosting for 1 year plus 500EC -
* Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates - worth $99
$10 - Online Games$5 + 1000 EC - Everything Under the Sun
$5 + 1000 EC - Opinion Pinoy
6000 EC - So Cute
3000 EC - The Holley Herald
1000 EC - Moolah Musings
5000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Show Me Your Interest
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Make Money Online
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - nameSherry
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Life's Journey
* Thomas Web Links
* Arts and Entertainment Center

3rd Prize: $15 + 15,000 EC
* Domain for 1 year - Life's Journey
* 1 Custom Logo Design from Logo Angel - worth $99
$5 + 500 EC - Spices of Life
$5 - Joro Livelihood
$5 - My Little Home
3000 EC - Unwakeable
2500 EC - History And Travel
2000 EC - Escape Games
1000 EC - Blessings and Beyond
1000 EC - Pink Thoughts
1000 EC - Definitely Maybe
2000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - e-Pamilya
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Bryan Karl
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - PrettyStepDaughters
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Designers Blog
* Thomas Travel Tales
* Great Finds and Deals

4th Prize: $10 + 13,000 EC
* Domain for 1 year - Pinay Mommy Online
* Wordpress Template from Buy Templates - worth $60
$5 - Love in Distance
$5 + 1000 EC - Cooking's fun
2000 EC - Learn, Love, and Laugh Thru Blogging
2000 EC - A Moment To Exhale
2000 EC - Anything Goes
2000 EC - Digital Scrapbook Freebies
1000 EC - The Ruby Posts
1000 EC - Everything PLUS the Kitchen Sink
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Denise's Tips and More
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blogs Contest
s500 EC plus text links for 1 month - Chronic Chick Talk
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Love Is The Perfect Gift
* Batuananons
* (worth $10)PinayJadeDotCom

5TH Prize: $5 + 11,000 EC
* Wordpress Template from Buy Templates - worth $60
$5 - Wonderful Things In Life
2000 EC -My Online Paradise
2000 EC - Colorful World
2000 EC - Cyber-Pchi
1000 EC - Mommy Emotes
1000 EC - One at a Time
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blessings In Life
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Jobs In Davao
1000 Ec plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Just A Personal Blog
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Joy Of Life Forever
* Nita's Corner
* Onine Giveaway Contest Directory

6TH Prize: 9,000 EC
* Blog Makeover - The Designers Blog
3000 EC - LadyJava's Lounge
2000 Ec - Aha Mama!
1500 EC -
1000 EC - IndoContest
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Dashing Beauty
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Kharlota dot Com
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Fountain Of Happiness
* Healthy Living and Lifestyle
* PR1

7TH Prize: 8,000 EC
* Header design - SimplyWP
1000 EC - i LUV Contests
1000 EC - Posh Thoughts
1000 EC - Mary Anne's Musing
1000 EC - The Designer Chic
1000 EC - Made To Worship
1000 EC - Blog Tips and Tools Kit
1000 EC - My Daily Discourse
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Live Love Pink
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Lovely Pink
125x125 ad space for 1 month - MeiYah's Random Thoughts

8TH Prize: 7,000 EC
* Body Butter (50ml) with free shipping - All Natural Cosmetics
1000 EC - Rapid Shoots
1000 EC - Multidimension
1000 EC - Pinoy Blogger in Singapore
1000 EC - Pinoy Showbiz and Hollywood News
1000 EC - Make Money Online With Makoy
1000 EC - Makoy Pinoy Blogger
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Beauty Of Life
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Starts At two
125x125 ad space for 1 month - A Message From My Heart
* Filipino Online Community

9TH Prize: 6,000 EC
* Blog makeover - Femikey Designs
1000 Ec - Honeysweet Learning Center
1000 EC - Vsk8shop
1000 EC - Empowered Mom
1000 EC - Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
1000 EC - My Rendezvous
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Money Maker
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Tere's World
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Pinaymama's Diary
* Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts

10TH Prize: 5,000 EC
1000 EC - Programming The Life
1000 EC - Guilty Pleasures
1000 EC - My Point Of View
1000 EC - Ivory Tasks
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Shopping
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - iLUVcontest
125x125 ad worth $15 1 month - Blazing Minds
* Work At Home Jobs

Consolation Prizes:
1. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Twins Happpiness
500 EC - Love's Haven
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Another Contest

2. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC -
500 EC - There Is Happiness
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Contest

3. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Scandals Prime dot COM
500 EC - Blogger Templates
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Rambling

4. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - The Pinay Blogger
500 EC - Heart Random
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Also Mommy

5. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Crafty Pinay
500 EC - Musings of a Vicks Inhaling Man
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Simple Life, Simple Me

6. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Wiehanne Lounge
500 EC - Asks Ms Recipe
125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Love/Hate America

7. 800 EC + ad space
500 EC - Medan Daily
300 EC - Euroangel Graffiti
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Only In Silence

8. 600 EC + ad space
300 EC - Travel And Discover USA
300 EC - The World Wide We Addict
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Life Expressions

9. 300 EC + ad space
300 EC - My Daily Nourishment
125x125 ad space for 1 month - This Is So Me

10. 300 EC + ad space
300 EC - Travel And Explore Germany
125x125 ad space for 1 month - PhotoMIAHgraphy
-> 1 book - My Funny Dad, Harry - Sherry Contest
-> Semi-solid light red toddler hat, fits approx 2t-4t - John Doro
-> 1 Bungalow Brand Dress worth $65 - size 6 - Wonderful Things In Life
-> 1 Ashley Judd Bingo Shoes worth $40 - size 8.5 - My Life's Adventure
-> 1 Web color Expert Book worth 19.95 - The Joy Of Life Forever
-> 1 Web animation Expert book worth $24.95 - The Fountain Of Happiness
-> 1 God's Promises for Your Every Need Book worth $14.99 - A Message Of My Heart
-> 3 Sets of blank note cards - Love Is A Perfect Gift
-> 1 Hanes long sleeve crew neck solid color pink - Life's Journey
-> Mary Kay products worth $25 (perfume) - Filipina Stories

For more information and clarification, feel free to visit HERE.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's your Valentine's Gift for your Hubby?

Valentine's aroma is in the air. I'm wondering what can I give to my husband to celebrate a special Valentine's Day. I'm looking for gifts that are useful and appreciated.

Buying a gift for my husband can be challenging. I am looking for new gift idea for Valentine's day or how about some old standards that can work very well.

How about a wallet? I checked the condition of his current wallet and it surely needs to be changed this year...he..he.. (he's still using the wallet I gave him about four years ago...he..he...). I have to make sure to note which he prefers the most, a bi-fold or tri-fold wallet.

A new watch can also be another option. But if I buy one for him, I make sure that it's a nicer model and more expensive that the one he's using now...he..he..I think I don't yet have budget to compete with his 5K worth Everlast watch. Maybe it will be good next time which can be worn on special occassions and doesn't have to be a replacement for his old favorite watch. I think Timex Men Fashion T Series Chronograph A2M469 watch looks fitting for him.

I am also contemplating of giving a gift of men's cologne . I want to show to him that I still notice how he takes care of himself. It’s been a while since he has received a cologne and the bottle is still half-empty (it's almost a year now). He seldom uses cologne and kiddingly told me that he smells good even without it. Well, he's quite true on that area. I can remember my father used to tell us that only bad-smelling person needs cologne...LOL! He added that we just need to take a bath everyday and it's enough. We'll let's get back to the track. Maybe trying a new cologne can be a nice change of pace for him. I'm choosing between United Colors of Benetton or Burberry London. Let's just close our eyes for it's price...hmmmm.

For me, I want to treat my husband to a nice gift on Valentine’s Day to express my love and appreciation for him. Traditional and useful gifts can be a great choice for husbands on Valentine’s Day. But can also give something special without purchasing a gift? For nowadays, we quit getting extravagant with our gifts once more of our money started going toward milk and diapers:) I'm thinking of a personalized gift that won't break the bank.

I could write a love letter or poem for it costs practically nothing to put my feelings on paper but the expression of my adoration to him is priceless. On Valentine's day, we could take a walk with our baby . I experiences that when we walk together we see the world differently and I think it is romantic because walking makes the world and my hubby seem more real and tangible. Instead of going to an expensive restaurant, I could dress up a favorite meal cooked at home. Maybe we could light candles on the dinner table, dim the lights, and put on some mood music. What do you think?

I am sure there are many other ways of being romantic and frugal at the same time. The key is just to know your partner and his or her preferences. As long as you make an effort to make your mate feel loved, you can be romantic without becoming a spendy Valentine's Day cliche.

I lost my phone!

I lost my 1100 Nokia. Yes, it's not an expensive phone nor it's trendy nowadays but I love that phone. My dearest friend , Ate Yheng gave it to me when she went back to Philippines. Also, it contains all the love text messages of my hubby before we got married and I used it for my roaming sim. I blame myself for bringing it to school last Friday. It usually stays at home but on that particular day, I saw that its battery is low so I decided to bring it in order to recharged it at school. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring it and left it in my table's drawer. That's the end of my phone. I already sent SMS to my parents and friends that they will not be able to reach me thru my roaming number. Instead, they're going to leave a message on my blog cbox, ym, friendster, email or thru my DTAC number.

I still felt the pain of losing something important but there's no use crying over spilled milk.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I deserve to be in the picture, too!



It's nice to capture every special memory we have with our love ones. But sad to say that there are times that you will not be included because you're the one taking the picture:( Last year, my husband and I went to Penang forthe processing of his visa. We went to visit the most popular shopping complex which is Komtar. It has 65 levels also contains government departments, commercial offices, shops and restaurants. Besides that, it has a multi-purpose hall, and squash courts. In 55th floor, you can see the view of the city on clear days. We go on to history place, Fort Cornwallis. It was built in 1786 by Francis Light. It occupies a history gallery of Dutch and Sultan of Johor besides a handicraft souvenir. The building was built up originally by wooden stockade, but it was rebuilt in concrete structure in year 1804. If you are interested to visit the place it was open to public from 8.30am to 7.00pm and the fee is only cost RM1.00 per visitor. We took pictures but we felt incomplete because we don't have pictures together.

Xshot 2.0

Glad to know now that there's a telescopic camera extender that holds your camera at a distance to capture great pictures and films when no one is around to take your picture! It is XShot 2.0. We can purchase this online at Having this is like having our own personal camera man. WOW!!! The XShot extends over 3 feet (37") to capture the subjects and the background or a group shot. It closes to just 9 inches and weighs only 5 oz! It is built with a durable metal shaft and high quality components. The XShot is also great for making films and video diaries. Since the camera is pointing at you, you are always in the frame. Extend, Aim, and Smile!

XShot is the essential travel accessory. Every compact digital camera owner can benefit from it! Whether you're traveling, on the beach with a loved one, hiking in the mountains, rock climbing, on a cruise, or just around the house with the family, now you can be in the picture too! XShot is a great accessory for taking cool videos too! Just spin around with the XShot and you'll get an awesome 3D like video. Order now and get your best shots with XShot!

With this accessory, we'll always be together in every captured special memory. What a relief!