Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday 1

I thank the Lord for the following:

1. I’ve been craving for the tasty BBQ Pork Steak at Sta.Fe Steak House. It’s been nine months since my last visit to that place. I’m thankful that my hubby brought me there last Saturday and I eat to the content of my hungry tummy…mmmmm…yummy. Besides the steak, I love their cream of mushroom soup and French fried potato topped with cheese.

cream of mushroom soup

BBQ Pork Steak

French Fried Potato with cheese

2. My brother and sister-in-law Nonz invited us for a lavish eat-all-you-can steamboat dinner at Remroa “muu ka tah”. We have a complete load of fishballs, chicken, fish and seafood, pork, Thai delicacies, desserts, fruits and vegetables. It takes hours to enjoy a steamboat meal since it involved dumping the ingredients into the soup and sitting around chatting and waiting for it to boil. I thank God for the fellowship we had.

Try steamboat dinner, you'll surely love it!

3. Hyzyd is growing fast. He can now roll over on his own. The moment you put him on bed or change his diaper, he quickly rolled over in just a wink of your eyes! It’s already a struggle for me to change him...he..he..I’m thankful that he’s always strong and healthy.

4. My co-teachers in school commented that I looked thinner now. That’s good news for I’m really praying that I’ll shed some weight even though I’m not yet on diet and haven’t yet done rigid exercise to lose some belly fats.

A day after I gave birth

after 3 months


  1. Welcome to thankful thursday, I enjoyed your thankful list.

  2. The steak looks sooo good, it is expensive to go out to eat these days so I do my steak, but going out is always a treat. Nice post!

    Tess (Life is beautiful)

  3. Now I'm hungry! Great post. Happy Thankful Thursday!


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