Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Power of a Praying Wife

The trials and pressures of modern life can make the prospect of a fulfilled, meaningful marriage seem impossible. In The Power of a Praying Wife, popular Christian author and speaker Stormie Omartian pinpoints common marital struggles and reveals the miraculous way that disciplined prayer can alleviate heartache and sustain unity. According to Omartian, a marriage's success depends upon "laying down all claim to power in and of yourself, and relying on God's power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage." Omartian attributes the success of her own 25-year marriage to dedicated prayer for every area--however specific--of her husband's life; from his finances and his work to his integrity and his temptations. Each chapter offers insight into areas that are especially important to men, followed by "power tools" (inspiring, topical Scripture) to guide one's prayer life and transform a woman's mind with regard to her husband. This practical read will encourage women to trust God to change their spouse, and undoubtedly refocus one's perspective on God's power rather than one's own personal predicament. --Jill Heatherly

I've been reading this book since I got married. Though I finished reading it, I can't help reading over and over again for I'm blessed of what the author shares on how I as a wife can develop a deeper relationship with my husband by praying for him. This book is packed with practical advice on praying for specific areas, including decision–making, fears, spiritual strength, and sexuality, this book helps women discover the fulfilling marriage God intended.

Now, a dear friend Seiko tag me with what is dubbed as the "Book tag" with the following rules:

1. Collect the book that you have most handy

2. Turn to page 161

3. Find the 5th complete sentence

4. Cite the sentence on your blog

5. Pass it on to 5 other victims (Oops! bloggers)

Page 161, 5th sentence says "Don't stand by and watch your husband be manipulated by his emotions". Can I include 6th sentence to finish the thought? Here is it "Freedom may just be a prayer away". There you go.

Here are my victims...LOL!
3. Rose
4. Shy
5. Kikamz



  1. Done! :-) I enjoyed this tag, sis. Thanks.

    Oh, hirit ako sa book mo. That looks like a good read for a wife. I wonder if it might have any impact on my marriage had I read it before my ex and I officially called it quits. But then I would understand the book, and would be brain-dead with the actual job.

    So to answer your question - may pag-asa ba pa? That was sweet of you to ask, sis, really. But the answer is a resounding NO. Don't be sad, if I ever get married again, you'll be among the first in blogsville to know :-)

  2. Sure you can borrow that book I showcased on this tag, sis :-) I learned a lot. Perti nakong hilak (kay wala may nagtan-aw hahah), but the crying was cleansing.


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