Friday, April 17, 2009

From Yellow to Pink!

Last Wednesday, I post about how I won a pretty customize layout from My Web-blog Designs. My lay-out looks like this before:

Now, Carlota of My Web-blog Designs raises up her "magic wand" and do wonders on my blog-a new header design that suits my personality and blogs theme, cosmetic changes to current layout and new color- PINK, my fave color.She makes my blog AWESOME! This is what I desire for a long time. Thank you so much Ma'am Carlota.

Anyway, if you want to win customized layout like mine, you'll just visit her site, drop EC, or give your comments to her posts. She usually give free blog make-over or customized lay-out to top droppers, top commentators or to the first name drawn through It's done usually every end of the month. So better visit her now. Who knows? YOU'LL be the next lucky winner!

my little angels


  1. ay oonga no...d ko napansin ahaha naging pink na =) eheheh =) nice!

  2. ui reg k nmn sa artscow eeeh anu email ad mo? invte earning points eh =) ehhehe thnks

  3. oi guapa jud gang! you now na i like pink!! cge try ko basin diay pod tagaan ko ug pink design!!

  4. wow kita ko ang button ko eheheh =) first comenter b bg sabihin nun? ehheh thnks sa email mo reg k n sa artscow ha =) thnks =)

  5. Ohh I thought Im in the wrong page or im in your ohter blog genebie, woooow cool layout. nice one geni like it.

  6. kanami gid sang imo blog. It looks cool. Thanks for you visit

  7. Blessings,
    I wanted to let you know about a new feature on my blog. It is a way to connect to my faithful readers. "Circle of love" is a new feature on fridays where I want to introduce faithful friends such as yourself to my readers.

    Check out todays post about this new feature and consider allowing me to feature you and your blog in the future.

    Thank you for all that you are doing, as you minister to us thru the web!


  8. Thanks for stopping by at my Thankful Thursday!

    Your baby is so sweet!

    Tammy ~@`


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