Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday- I am God's Daughter!

Perceiving and understanding the love of the Heavenly Father isn't hard for me because God gave me the BEST father in the world! He's been there for me through thick and thin. He's my special friend-I could talk to him anything under the sun, school stuffs, dreams, faves, and crushes to having a boyfriend...I had my first and only boyfriend (which became my hubby)when I'm 20 years old. I'm so grateful to have a father who prayed for me and the commitment I made one early morning that I relied to him that I got a boyfriend! father is so sweet.

My father is my speech/poem writer, my essayist, and my trainer in oration and declamation when I'm still in elementary. He's the one who encourage me to perfect...hmmm..almost perfect my penmanship.

He's very supportive! Once, I was offered a teaching job in Day-asan, Surigao City, my father sent me there (the transportation going inside this fishing village is so hard). When life gets hard (having my first job is not easy, we only receive minimal salary), he's there to offer me allowance. When I came here in Thailand, I missed preparing his coffee and reminding him of his schedules.

I am his sweet daughter...I miss you and I love you Papa Ben

He's the one who design our wedding invitation. Isn't it nice and unique? My father and mother were God's instrument in making our wedding blissful and successful. I thank God for my everloving parents.

Even when I get married, my father's love for me never changed. God bless our desire that they'll be able to come over in Thailand to be there for me when I gave birth to their first grandchild. My father helped my hubby took care of me during those two-nights stay in the hospital.

my father with Hyzyd

Through my father, I had personal relationship with our Heavenly father. I thank God for making me His precious daughter and experience His immeasurable love for me.

These are other things I wanna give thanks to God:

1. God is doing great in my family (Great news from my 8 sisters and 5 brothers!)

2. God gave me trusted friends here in Thailand. It's a real blessing to have loyal, supportive, loving and kind friends whom I'll also give that loyalty support, love and kindness back in return. They're one of the many blessings in my life that make my happiness in life.

Ate Ate Yheng, me, Nonz (my sis-in-law now) about 3 years ago when we're still single....

The three of us were called the "three musketeers". You can't see either see either of us without the other. We're inseparable. They're the kind of friends that listen but never judges, help you out of a jam, tell it to you straight, and often forgive a debt (he..he..thanks friends). I could lean on their shoulder. They didn't fidget impatiently if I need to talk about personal troubles, family problems and other stuff. They are there for me sitting quietly while I venting my spleen without getting judgmental or offering too much advice. I wanna hold onto them for dear life for I can't find friends like them.

Mommy Gigie and me wearing wigs

Mommy Gigie makes me feel at the top of the world and pampers me like crazy (he..he..). That's why I called her "Mommy". She treats me like a baby...LOL!.... The affection she showers on me overshadows all trivial issues.

Ate Josephine and me

Ate Eng (as I fondly called her) is a friend that does not hesitate to confront me and has the courage to risk hurting me and spoiling the relationship, but will say and do what is truly best for me..hmmmm...yeah and I salute her for that. She's fun to be with (with that sanguine personality) though almost all the times. I read once "A true friend is one who believes that sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind, much like the surgeon". All of us require a mirror to reflect our true face and what better mirror than an honest friend who always reflects our blemishes clearly to us, comes what way.

3.God is with us all the time. I constantly praise Him for giving me to a loving husband and blessing our marriage with a precious 5 month old son.

4. I won a pretty layout for my blog.

You'll discover more testimonies of how good our God is at Laurie's place.


  1. you're wonderfully blessed. happy TT.

  2. God sent us people with different personality to encourage our attitude. Friends are blessings!This is touching! I like your pix with your sweet dear and your angel Hyzyd! Nice shoes Hyzyd! Can i borrow that later? hehehehe Lab u and miss u.

  3. what a beautiful thankful heart and post!

    your relationship with your earthly father is a blessing to read about. it set the stage for you to truly accept the love of our Father in heaven. beautiful indeed!


  4. What a beautiful tribute to your father! Both your heavenly and earthly father. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart (and the pictures!) with us on TT! Happy TT - Laurie

  5. happy tt and how wonderfully people have been placed in your life for you to enjoy and be comforted with

  6. Such a precious post! You do have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  7. Girl, hindi ko na kaya! Nakakatouch! Super inggit ako sa inyo ng Daddy mo.

  8. What a beautiful list of thankfulness.

  9. Such a beautiful post of thankfulness. You have been so blessed to have wonderful parents! Have a great day!

  10. Beautiful blessings. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  11. You are so Blessed for havin' those countless Blessings in your life.You're so lovely at that photos w/ your Papa Ben,you're so lucky for havin' a suppotive father & in vice versa he's so lucky too for being a good daughter to him,you might be his pride & glory.


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