Friday, January 9, 2009

Swaddling helps Hyzyd's enjoy better sleeps

Becoming a parent for the first time, I feel the most fabulous and terrifying thing! Fabulous because I have a beautiful new baby, and terrifying because he doesn’t come with a handbook (or a volume control!) I haven't been prepared for the first night at home with our baby. Baby hyzyd started crying and there are times he didn't fall asleep for hours!

This week Grandma Paa taught us about swaddling a baby as a means of helping the baby settle more easily, sleep longer and sleep through the night sooner. She added that a baby who gets plenty of sleep generally cries a lot less too. We just need to recognize Hyzyd's tired sign. He is ready to sleep when he is jerking jis legs, grizzling, eye rubbing and facial grimacing. We swaddle him and put him back into bed as soon as we see ANY tired sign.

Swaddling is the ancient art of baby wrapping. It replicates the snugness and warmth baby was used to in the womb and ensures that her ‘moro’ reflex (flailing arms) doesn’t wake her up. Swaddled babies generally enjoy an extra hour or two sleep per sleep. The majority of babies love being swaddled but they like it done right – a wrap that is too loose or comes undone easily will not improve sleep.

Last month Hyzyd slept at 12:00pm-1:00 am whether he gets enough rest for the whole day or not. I'm really praying this will change as Joseph and I both work. The moment Grandma introduced us about swaddling, we tried it and it worked! Actually, we tried it to Hyzyd when he's a month old but he cried and we felt pity for him. Initially Hyzyd protested at first and started crying and wriggling but after few minutes he started to sleep and sleep through the night. I can happily say he is a happy boy who reliably sleeps 9 hours .He sleeps easily as we follow his evening bath and bottle bed routine. We also get enough rest and alive, awake and enthusiastic in going to school.

Here are some benefits of swaddling your baby as I've googled:

1. Swaddling enables you to quickly soothe uncontrollable crying from colic.
2. Swaddled babies generally sleep an extra hour to two per sleep.
3. Swaddled babies stop crying quickly and settle down to sleep easily.
4. Swaddled babies often learn to sleep through the night earlier, from as early as six weeks.
Other settling and sleep techniques, such as rocking, hammocks and pacifiers, are far more effective when combined with swaddling

Why is swaddling so effective?
1. Swaddling prevents babies waking themself up (from their startle reflex)
2. Swaddling reminds babies of the warm, snug environment they enjoyed for nine months.
3. Swaddling gets your baby ready for other calming techniques to work, such as rocking, ssssshing and sucking.

We really experience the benefits of swaddling a baby.

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