Wednesday, February 25, 2009

just a chat ...

We don't have class this week because it's already the Final Thai Test but still we need to go to school for attendance as well as the preparation of our English Summer Class on March. As I have mentioned before about getting back to exercise , I started by walking from our house to school. I just took the shortcut and it took 10-15 minutes to arrive. While going home, I had to cross a road where traffic is heavy around 4 pm. On that particular afternoon, I was a bit surprised that there's no car passing on one side of the road. This is what happened:

The truck was stucked as it tried to make a turn! It make a long queues of vehicles. Well, I got home early and I hope they easily resolved the incident.


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  3. Walking is great exercise, I love to walk.

  4. yes it is true walking is a good exercise plus good food diet. Thanks for visiting my blog...

  5. exercise is good for health. I seldom exercise as sitting down so often.

  6. That was interesting about the truck. It's amazing how one little thing can mess up traffic so badly.

  7. Walking to school is a great way to get exercise. When I was teaching I would ride a bicycle to campus.


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