Thursday, February 5, 2009

Of Prenatal Tests and the Value of Children

There are three prenatal tests that can be used to determine the sex of a fetus, although they are conducted primarily to test for birth defects such as Down Syndrome.

The first one is Ultrasound.

For me, my gynecologist recommended me for ultrasound scanning when I’m 17 weeks and three days pregnant. I asked him “What is an ultrasound test used for?” He told me that it helps monitor the growth of an unborn child, and check for abnormalities. Furthermore, ultrasound scan is routine for pregnant women. Well, the decision is ours to make. Out of curiosity and my desire to know the condition of my baby, I agree for ultrasound test.

Ultrasound is developed in 1958 and first widely used in the early mid-1970’s. It employs sound waves to create a visual image of the fetus by moving an instrument across the abdomen (this is the procedure I undergone) or placing a small device in the vagina. It can be performed as early as ten weeks, although it is not used to predict sex until 16 to 18 weeks. It poses no risk of miscarriage.

Another question that I raised is Are there any side-effects or complications from ultrasound?”. The doctor reassured me that Ultrasound scans are painless and safe. Unlike x-rays and other imaging tests, ultrasound does not use radiation. It has not been found to cause any problems or complications. Maybe, the only 2 disadvantages he can give are the following: First, the information that can be inferred form ultrasound is dependent on the person who is doing the ultrasound. If the operator is not competent enough, then certain information can be missed.Second, performing ultrasound on very thin and obese patients is difficult.

During the scanning, the doctor let me see the sonogram and type a label indicating his determination that the fetus is male and the baby's growth is normal. I'm thanking God with a teary-eye.

Amniocentesis Test
The other two prenatal tests which are not widely used are Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS). Dating back to the late 1960's, the Amniocentesis test involves extracting amniotic fluid (the liquid around the fetus inside the uterus) through a thin needle that is inserted through the abdomen into the uterus. The test is usually reserved for high-risk pregnancies and for women who will be 35 or older on their due date), and is done at 14 to 20 weeks; results are available in about two weeks. Amniocentesis carries a 1/2 of 1 percent risk of miscarriage. If done earlier than 12 weeks, it can increase the risk of a foot deformity as well as slightly increase the chance of a miscarriage or stillbirth.

Chorionic Villus Sampling
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) was first introduced into general use only about 25 years ago, CVS is also typically reserved for high-risk pregnancies. The test involves taking a sample of the chorionic villi (small cells) from the placenta. The sampling is usually performed at ten to 12 weeks and results are available in about two weeks. CVS carries a 1/2 of 1 percent risk of miscarriage.

Aside from the two major reasons of these three prenatal tests, I'm shocked that some want this test so they can abort a fetus of undesired gender-a form of sex selection! They're making one of the most grievous mistakes in the world!
The unbelievers around us do not place a high value on children. This is well evidenced by the high abortion rate and the number of couples who either want no children . There also seems to be a widespread mindset that regards children as a bother, as an expense, and as an obstacle that hinders their parents' success and enjoyment of life.

Now most people probably do want children, but many only in small doses. One or two is enough and they want others to take care of them, entertain them and take responsibility for them. Many people just don't want the responsibility of children! Some parents seem to only want to be grandparents. They want to enjoy the children occasionally but give them back to someone else to handle most of the care, education and deal with any problems.

Children are precious in His sight

But God has a different view - He calls children "blessings"! The Bible describes children as gifts from God and as rewards! Though He may choose to bless us in many different ways, one of the most prominent ones in the Scriptures is by blessing us with a large family. How many people today associate “large family” with “blessings”? Probably not many! How unreceptive many are to God's blessings! There are many passages associating children, and even many children, with God's blessing .There are also many scriptures where parents refer to their children as gifts from God or where God is credited with having given a particular child as a special gift and blessing. Even from the creation of Adam and Eve we find God blessing mankind with the words, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it."

All children are given by God to be blessings to their parents (even to the ungodly). A “quiver full” of children is a great blessing, but is not part of God’s plan for everyone. Some people very favored by God will not be blessed with children at all or will be blessed with very few (i.e. Abraham with Sarah; Isaac & Rebekah; Zachariah & Elizabeth). But whether or not God chooses to bless us in this way, we should learn to value children as He does and welcome each and every one.

We should not fear having a large family and we should view a large family (8, 10, 12, 14 children) as very good and desirable (like ours:)! And we should trust God, that if He so blesses, He will continue to provide for us all that we truly need, including the need for the means, strength and ability to raise a large family well!

1 comment:

  1. hey gen, glad to know you are blogging too... and earning as well. congratulations!

    i had my first scan at 5 weeks of pregnancy and had it once a month until 8 months. with the second pregnancy, i did a double blood test to single out abnormalities in my pregnancy coz i was already 33 - on the borderline... that's what my gynae told me.

    you might wanna visit my other blogs at
    expressions and thoughts -

    and my parenting blog at:

    you are welcome to leave comments as well.

    and keep up with blogging. it's great to earn from what you love doing.



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