Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday # 2

I used to hear my mom singing a song with this message "Count your blessings, name them one by one". It encourages me to give thanks to give thanks to God even with those little things that are seemed to be considered as not too important.

I am thanking God for what he has done this week:

1. Renewal of my husband’s working contract. My hubby was accepted last January 2009 as a high school ESL teacher in Songkla and signed a contract good for three months only. He was told that he’s under probationary period. If after three months they’ll be satisfied of his teaching performance, he will be renewed for a year. Last week, after the Teacher’s meeting, he was given the "good news". We praise God for the renewal of his contract. On the other hand, we felt sorry for the other two Filipinos who were not renewed. It’s our prayer that they will be able to find a work as soon as possible.

2. Our baby’s healing from heat rash and cough as well as the change of nanny. We praise God that Hyzyd’s heat rash disappeared after three days and his cough subsided already. Because of these health conditions last week, it is imperative for us to find another nanny who will stay with us or who is nearer to our house so that Hyzyd don’t need to travel early in the morning. We praise God for the immediate answer of our desire. Our neighbor who used to babysit two toddlers became available. So now, Hyzyd can sleep as long as he wants in the morning (before I used to wake him up, put in his carrier and drive him off to his nanny).

3. Coping with a hectic schedule. I thank God for the good health He has bestowed upon me. At this point of time, I need not to be sick for the sake of baby. I also thank Him for the wisdom and guidance in managing my time wisely as a full-time mom with a full-time teaching career, a full-time wife (of course) and a full-time Christian in a non-Christian environment.

4. Desktop Computer. We planned to buy our own desktop computer next month (what I’m using now is in the school). Nowadays, it’s necessary to own one so that we can start typing our lesson plan for the next semester and for my newfound hobby-blogging! We didn’t expect to have one earlier than what we had planned.

My Thai friend who is finishing her Masteral degree needs my help to accomplish her thesis and she wanted to start as soon as possible. So, she lends us her desktop computer. She told us that she didn’t use it for a couple of months already because she had her own computer in her office. Hopefully, next week we can have the internet connection. I thank our Almighty God that with this blessing, the money we supposed to buy a computer will be saved first for future expenses in April. It’s vacation time and our salary too is in "vacation". Hope you understand what I mean…he..he…:0)


  1. I praise God for sweetly blessing you.

  2. Such great blessings from God! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  3. Great list of thankfulness.


  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I loved reading about what you're thankful for! It sounds like God is really doing great things in your life. God bless!!! XOXO


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