Monday, February 23, 2009

My Life: Getting Back to Exercising

Hyzyd is now 4 months old and I'm ready to exercise. I gonna start with low-impact exercise class.Glad to know that I could involve my baby in my new workout routine. I could put him in a stroller or baby carrier when I go for a walk. . I need to find ways to fit exercise around my busy life. I borrow workout DVDs from my friend which I can use when baby is quiet or sleeping. I could also try early morning before the baby wakes up. I think it would also be a good idea to squeeze in some walking in going to school or else in going home (it's just 10-15 minutes walk). I should remember not to be too hard on myself, though. It's healthy to care about our body, but I need patience for getting in shape takes time. My husband advised me not to stress to much about my current appearance. I need some mental change. Besides,my body just did an amazing thing when God created my baby in it.

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