Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friends are good for us...treasure them!

I once read in a magazine that in recent years, researchers have been busy proving scientifically what we’ve all known – that friends are good for us. A Maryland study quoted in the August 2007 issue of the popular magazine Better Homes and Gardens found that people with ten or more friends suffered half the disabilities or health problems experienced by those with only two friends. Clearly, the more the merrier!

Another study referred to in the same article addressed frequency of interactions with friends. Women who saw their friends at least five times monthly had longer life expectancies over this follow up study period of nine years than those women who saw their friends less often. Other studies in recent years have added to the certainty that vibrant, healthy friendships are associated with personal health- physical, mental, and emotional.

I thank God for my friends HERE and THERE! We laugh together, cry together and love each other dearly. Because of healthy friendships i have with them, I could say it contibuted to my well-being- physically healthy, mentally healthy and emotionally healthy.

I wanna thank God too for my friends here in blogosphere, I met friends who bring new ideas, and interests for me to try, and even cheer me on as I share my challenges in life as if they're waiting for me at the finish line with a cool drink and a pat on the back.I really treasured my friends and I'm glad that somebody did treasure my friendship, too. In fact, she gave me this Treasured Friends Forever Award. Thank you Mommy Seiko, Tetcha and Mommy Jacris for this wonderful award.

I wanna pass on this award to my friends here in blogosphere. Hope they'll treasure my friendship as much as I do.

Shortybear's Place, Simply Happy Life , Laine's Abode, Mom Writes for a Cause, Jeng Speaks, Love's Haven, Delineating Des, , Places, People, Events, Good Food and My Life, My Little Angels, All About Elizabeth, Lalaine's World, A Glimpse of A Widow's Heart, Our Family Story, His Unfailing Love, Twinkie Calls,Gigi's Planet , Trust.Loyalty.Bliss, Kizuna



  1. Hey, touch naman ako dito. Now, I've got three awards from you. As always, thank you for remembering. :-)

  2. Hey gang dami mo na award ha? congratulations you deserve all of that! hope you have more more awards to come! Friends loves at all times!

  3. Thank you again Gene for this award. I am taking note of it so I can post it in a few days. God bless.

  4. Thanks for your friendship sis...promise to treasure this friendship of ours & hope t'will lasts longer...btw,thanks for posting it & you really deserved it & how's your condition anyway?Goodnight & Take care always!Hugs!

  5. Thanks for including me on your lists,Mommy Gene and I trully appreciate our friendship.^_^

  6. Your friendship does bless me sweetie.

  7. Thanks for posting this award, Gen. I hpe we'll be friends for life.

  8. Were u able to receive your award? Ako receive na ngayon lang

  9. I was still looking for your Mommy Moments, hehehe

  10. Thanks for the tag, how are you all?

  11. I will try to make this tag too, thanks


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