Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I join hands with others who say "No to Plagiarism!"

I was blog hopping when I saw this tag "Be Original". Out of curiosity I click links until I was led to Juliana's Lair's site. She's compelled to join this tag after her paid post review was copied by another blogger (as in "word for word"). She discovered it while blog hopping and of course being the owner she recognized her work. She's not the only one who was victimized by a plagiarist,another site claimed that the same "copycat" copied her work and posted it on her blog! I never thought this could be happening here in blogosphere! It's timely that ,Laine's Abode pass on to me this tag. I am joining this call to denounce the act of plagiarism.

Please copy from here and share:

What is Plagiarism?

According to the Dictionary, Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

To all Bloggers who exert effort to create noteworthy entries and who continue to maintain a Blog which is a reflection of who she / he is,” Good job! ”

To those who have the desire to Blog but are merely scraping contents from other people‘s materials,” Whether you are monetizing your site to help you with your basic needs or to satisfy some of your wants, do it the proper way. Stop making money out of someone else’s work. Otherwise, you are nothing but a common thief! ”

Thank you!

I hope the following fellow bloggers will join the fight against plagiarism:
Lover's Mushroom
Rosa Love's
Delineating Des
Simply Happy Life
Places, People, Events, Good Food and My Life


  1. hi sis gen. thank you so much for this tag. i grab nalang kapag ma time na.:)

  2. I'm worried about what you wrote. I wonder if there is protection for bloggers against plagiarism. Some bloggers really get away with copying other's original post for their personal gain.

  3. ah! there's a worthy tag! In gradschool sis, plagiarism is a serious issue. I'm so tempted to write a post on plagiarism but I'm at work, and I want to come up with something thorough, yong may kasabay na documentation ba lol but that will take time so this tag will do for now. thanks.

  4. It's up on my blog. Have a good weekend.

  5. grab ko to...kahit di mo ko sinali lolz hahhaa...
    kapag may time ako post ko yan...

  6. i will post this tag later sis... ^_^ thank you so much


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