Saturday, April 4, 2009

Poor Beddings!

This afternoon after my baby and I took our nap, I asked my hubby to visit Tesco Lotus. Our street is just behind this shopping mall. It's terribly hot in our place and we decided to stroll around Tesco Lotus to "cool down" the burning sensation. But the moment we stepped in the mall, rain started to fall.

thanks to for this picture

We grab some pizza before we do some shopping. When we got home, the baby is already asleep. When we decided to put the baby on his crib, I realized that I haven't taken back the baby's crib beddings-mattress, bumpers, 8 pillows and 3 bolsters inside the house! I took them out this morning to be sun-dried in our balcony and I totally forgotten them! Poor beddings! They're all wet...What can I do?

So, we decided for tonight that baby will sleep with us. I hate being so forgetful today! My bad....

Shortybear’s Place

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