Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday-Courage

Courage must be grounded in the strength of the Lord.

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6, NKJV

The verse is always my favorite verse that I recite and claim every time I face situations that challenge my courage. I claim it every time I was sent by my school to compete for district, division, regional and national test when I'm in grade school. I claim it when I'm joining extemporaneous speech, declamation, and oration when I'm in high school. I claim it when I'm in college and brainstorming with other National Super Quiz bee contenders. I claim it when it's my first time to travel alone in this foreign land, teach in a Buddhist school, witness to my students and co-teachers, got married and become a mom. I claim it every now and then and it makes me courageous to face every form of trials, problems and challenges for I know that God is with me wherever I go.

This week, I'm confident to thank God specifically for the following:

1. Neo Brand Laptops. Yes, God gave laptops not only a laptop ...Yesterday, I sent an SMS message to my father and mentioned about the approaching birthday of my sis. He said that her birthday present is a laptop! Wow, I'm amazed of how God provided the laptop to my sis as well as to my bro who both are graduating hopefully this October in their respective courses. We reminisced our times before that purchasing a laptop is hard to come by but now I'm glad that God provided their need as easy as buying softdrinks..he..he...

2. I'm done with the K-1 and K-2 workbooks! yeheeyyyy...Thank you, Lord! I'm ready for school's opening next week.

the workbooks that are due for approval and reproduction

3. This month is almost finished and I'm thankful of how God takes care of us for the whole month! I'm alive today, alert and enthusiastic!

God promises encouragement when I need it.
"When I pray, You answer me, and encourage me by giving me the strength I need." Psalm 138:3, TLB

You'll be blessed of how awesome is our God by visiting Laurie's place.


  1. Hi Genebei,

    Loved reading about your thankful heart and I too treasure scripture that encourage us to be couragous. Have a wonderful TT.

  2. Wonderful to see you over at THANKFUL THURSDAY again this week. Sounds like God has brought you thru some courageous moments. Praise God for His strength! - Happy TT, Laurie

  3. Amen! Indeed He is our great encourager! God bless!

  4. Happy birthday ahead of time. That is a wonderful present. Glad you are ready for school. Have a great week.

  5. Isn't it great to be able to draw strength from Him? Fear not! Happy TT!

  6. Some thankful God has been with you and given you courage when you need it most.

    Happy THankful Thursday!

  7. awesome! congratulations on your workbooks. and what wonderful presents... laptops!!! God is good.

  8. Nice list of thanks and great testimony of courage. Blessings

  9. Wow great thankful Thursday list. Thanks for sharing. Glad I was able to connect again.
    We're here in Nakhon si Thammarat for another English Camp.
    Hope to be there tomorrow. See you all tommorow evening.

  10. Wow! I am so happy for u and for ur family sis....God Bless!

  11. I too am so thankful for that scripture..for God's Word completely....

  12. great reasons to give praise I love the verse as well

  13. Praise God for the gift of laptops! Thanks for a great list....I like that you are alive, alert and enthusiastic!! Blessings on your day. Mary

  14. Awesome post! I love the scriptures you picked out!

  15. Wishing you a very blessed week!


  16. I loved your thoughts on courage - I agree - it's grounded in the strength and faith of the Lord! What great blessings! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  17. A great list of thanksgiving! Laptops are very nice gifts indeed. :o)

    Happy TT!

  18. You have such an enthusiastic thankful post. I love it!

  19. nice post. thanks for visiting mine.


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