Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quiet Time

Amidst the hectic schedules we have each day, it's nice to spend some quiet time with God. For me, I set reasonable goals for my quiet time. At first I start small, like 10 minutes a day. There were times that I miss a day!...I felt so guilty...so discouraged....but God says why should I be discouraged, he's not keeping score on a chalkboard! He loves me and wants me to walk with him in friendship. I feel that although I can talk with God anywhere, at anytime, it is still important to have a regular time alone with HIM. Ten minutes everyday is much better than an hour once a week.

Here are some ideas on how I spent my Quiet Time each day:

1. Reading God's Word. When I read the Bible, God speaks to me through it and I learn more about His character and what He's doing in my life.

2. Quiet my heart before Him. I spend time alone thinking about some of the characteristics of God: mercy, love, holiness, power, justice, and wisdom to name a few.

3. Talking to God. Do you know that God loves to hear our voice? I can talk to him about anything! I can tell him my desires, fears or worries. I pray for my friends, family, missionaries, nations or anyone God brings to my mind.

4. Thanking Him for His care for me. I believe that all good things come from God. I always tell him thanks! Even in hard times, I thank God for meeting my needs.

5. Listening to God's voice. I sit quietly and let Him speak to me in my heart. It takes time and practice to get to know God's voice. I always remind myself that God will never tell me anything that does not agree with His written Word, the Bible.

Shortybear’s Place


  1. Wonderful ways to spend your quiet time sweetie.

  2. It's really great experience when you are in God's presence! I sometimes just ignore my conviction but my hubby always remind me that we can't live without him. We should always give time to listen, rest and know him more and more.

  3. We (my hubby and I) make sure that God is the center of our relationship. We always pray together before we sleep and before each meal... ^_^


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